Seeking Communications Professionals for Board Roles? | This Week’s Blog | Upcoming Events | Finance Tips From Julie | How can I help?


Hi there – thanks for checking out my latest Good Governance Newsletter!

I know you are here because you are committed to good not-for-profit governance and leadership, and you want to make sure you do everything you can to steer your organisation in the right direction.

So, to support you with that, through my fortnightly Good Governance Newsletters I strive to bring to you valuable NFP governance and leadership information and updates, happenings and events, that will help you do exactly that.

So take a moment and check out what I have to share with you in this week’s newsletter…

Read on for:

  • Communications and Public Relations Australia’s new Board member search listings
  • My latest Blog – A Bit About Me: My Values and how I integrate them into the work I do
  • Upcoming Events:
    29 August – Cover your butt with my online Risk Management Essentials Training
    4 September – My next quarterly webinar: 10 things you need to know about not-for-profit Governance
    24 – 27 October – My inspirational Spring Retreat for Executive Women 
  • Finance Tips from Julie – Impact Measurement and Reporting
  • Working with me – Fancy a free Governance Health Check for your NFP organisation?

I’m so glad you connected with me and all the resources I share via my newsletters and emails – and also via my website and LinkedIn!

I am sure there will be something I have to help you in the not-for-profit work you do, whether it be as an Executive, a Board member, or a grass-roots community volunteer.

Let me know what resonated with you, and enjoy this week’s read!




Communications and Public Relations Australia (CPRA) is the industry association for professional communicators across Australia.

CPRA has recently amplified its efforts to support its members to contribute to good governance by enabling organisations to advertise their Board vacancies direct to its membership via its website.

So if you are seeking Board members with communications expertise, consider checking out CPRA’S website HERE.

And register your organisation’s Board vacancies HERE.

Let me know how you go!


Ever thought about your own Personal Values?

The core things that are important to you, in your life and everything you do?

We talk about Organisational Values often…but how many of us have actually thought about our own personal Values?

Check out this week’s A Bit About Me blog HERE, where I share with you MY Personal Values, and how they influence me, the work I do, and the way I do it – and do let me know if you are an OCD present-wrapper too!

If you want to read more of my blog articles, or watch some of my webinars, then check out my back catalogue of Blogs & Pods HERE.



⚠️ 29 August – Ensure your NFP is not an accident waiting to happen with my online Risk Management Essentials training session.
Come along and hear about the Three Easy Steps to help you ensure you catch issues, risks, and hazards, before something goes wrong and someone (or your organisation) gets hurt!
This training session will be held online, on Thursday 29 August, from 4 pm – 7 pm (AEST/Melbourne time) and tickets are just $156 per person.
Click HERE for further information and to purchase your tickets.

✅ 4 September – My next quarterly webinar: 10 things you need to know about not-for-profit Governance.
Back by popular demand, this perennial favourite always pulls a crowd, demonstrating that there are lots of people keen to improve the governance practices of their NFPs. So if this is you too, come along for my top tips to improve your organisation’s good governance too!
This session will be held online, on Wednesday 4 September, from 11 am – 12 pm (AEST/Melbourne time) and tickets are free.
Click HERE for further information and to book yourself in.

🩷 24 – 27 October – My inspirational Spring Retreat for Executive Women.
Off the back of my indulgent, gorgeous, magical, transformative – there really are not enough superlatives to cover it! – Autumn Retreat, I am so delighted to be curating and hosting another very special experience for women leaders from across the not-for-profit and other sectors, to come together and share, learn, dream, and grow.
This super special event will be held onsite, over four days, at the tranquil and secluded Cheeky Fox Retreat, in Kinglake, on the outskirts of Melbourne.
Places are very limited, so if this is what you or someone you know needs, see the Spring Retreat flyer HERE, and contact me on to enquire about booking in.
I am so excited about providing women in leadership with this next beautiful retreat, and if that is you, I’d love you to be there with me to experience all it has to offer.

I hope to see you then!


Julie Doyle is my business finances guru, and this week she is generously sharing some of her wisdom around Impact Measurement and Reporting.

This week Julie says:

Donors increasingly want transparency and accountability regarding how their contributions are making a difference.
As a result, not-for-profits are increasingly investing in impact measurement and reporting systems to demonstrate the outcomes and effectiveness of their work, attract funding, and improve their programs.

So this month’s article focuses on impact measurement and reporting for your NFP.

Below are some key steps and considerations for measuring and reporting your organisation’s impact.

Let’s start with measurement:

1.Define Clear Objectives – Establish what you aim to achieve with your programs. This should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals).

2.Develop Indicators – Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you measure your progress toward your objectives. These could be quantitative (e.g., number of people served) or qualitative (e.g., changes in participant well-being).

3.Data Collection Methods – Choose appropriate methods for collecting data, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations. Ensure your methods are reliable and valid.

4.Baseline Data – Collect baseline data before your program begins to understand the initial conditions. This helps in comparing the situation before and after the intervention.

5.Regular Monitoring – Continuously monitor your programs to track progress. Regular data collection helps in identifying issues early and making necessary adjustments.

6.Impact Evaluation – Conduct evaluations to assess the effectiveness of your programs. This can be done through experimental designs (e.g., randomised control trials) or quasi-experimental designs (e.g., pre-and post-test comparisons).

Now let’s look at the ‘How’ of impact reporting:

1.Transparency – Be transparent about your methods, data, and findings. This builds trust with stakeholders and donors.

2.Tailor Reports to Your Audience – Customise your reports for different stakeholders. Donors might be interested in financial efficiency, while beneficiaries might want to see tangible outcomes.

3.Use Clear and Simple Language – Avoid jargon and use language that is easy to understand. This makes your report accessible to a wider audience.

4.Visual Aids – Utilise charts, graphs, infographics, and other visual aids to present your data clearly and engagingly.

5.Stories and Testimonials – Include stories and testimonials from beneficiaries to highlight the human impact of your work. This can make your report more relatable and impactful.

6.Share Successes and Challenges – Report both successes and challenges. Being honest about challenges demonstrates your commitment to improvement and learning.

7.Digital Platforms – Leverage digital platforms such as websites, social media, and email newsletters to disseminate your reports widely.

By effectively measuring and reporting your impact, your organisation can better demonstrate its value, attract more support, and ultimately achieve greater positive change.

If you have a NFP finance query you would like Julie to talk about via my Good Governance Newsletter, just email it to me on


Need some help working out what governance issues to focus on first?

Maybe your NFP could do with a quick Governance Health Check Up!

Between now and the end of August I am offering organisations the opportunity for a FREE 5-point governance health check up consultation with me.

In a 30 minute zoom call we will review 5 key area within your organisation, and you will come away knowing what to do to better position your NFP to thrive for the future.

If you would like to book in an appointment with me for your governance health check, CLICK HERE, and make a time to catch up.

And for full details of the work I do, check out the Services page on my website.

I hope your organisation can take advantage of this free offer and position yourselves for better governance going forward!

Or get in touch with me to make a time to catch up and talk about what else your NFP needs!