Blogs & pods

What’s Important and Why: Leading the Culture

Leading Organisational Culture is a key governance responsibility for Boards and Management Committees. Organisational culture is a cornerstone of a successful organisation, and governing bodies need to be setting the tone from the top. While Vision and Purpose guide...

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Good Leadership: Podcast

I am a big believer in the importance of good leadership being critical to effective governance and management within our not-for-profit organisations - or any organisation for that matter. But all too often I see organisations where this is not necessarily the case....

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Aligning Strategy with Purpose: Podcast

The value that not-for-profits add to the world is rooted in their Purpose. But so many seem to lose sight of that, in the busyness of the day-to-day. Bruce and I talk about keeping your Purpose at the centre of your work, and explore how you can better align your...

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